I Know where I want To Speak – How Do I Approach Them

A few people have asked me this question, so I thought I would answer it in the group.

Q: I see a conference that I want to speak at, how do I approach them to get booked to speak?

A: First, see if they have a website for the upcoming conference then take a look and see if they have a “Call for Speaker”. 

If they do, read it thoroughly and send in exactly what they ask for.

If they don’t have a “Call for Speaker”….

It’s time to create your own opportunity.

Here’s what you do; find out who the event coordinator is and send a 3 touch email campaign or a speaker proposals. Today I’ll talk about the speakers proposal.

Essentially a speakers proposal includes;

  • You showing that you know about the conference (who’s there, what they do, their culture),
  • Who you are, what you’re an expert at,
  • Why you would be a fit for their conference,
  • How your information can help the attendees,
  • The name of your talk, at least 3 key take ways,
  • Type of presentation you are proposing,
  • A speakers bio, a partial client list be better,
  • Do better, have more,

Listen…..life is too short….Create your own opportunity and start speaking!

Stay Amazing! — Karen D
Karen Donaldson is a #1 Best Selling Author and a Award Winning Executive Public Speaking Coach, Certified Confidence Coach, Self Leadership Coach and international Speaker.